I was walking around the neighborhood. It was so beautiful there. So many different plants I hadn’t seen before. Every houses yard was trimmed nicely and painted a cute color. The whole place made me feel so peaceful. I walked down the back alley between the houses but then a came upon this magnificent short tree. It had large light blue petals with three small white dense flowers inside of it. I sat there for some time debating if I should pluck a flower from it. Suddenly the trunk of the tree started glowing a bright green and pulsating. I immediately pulled out my phone to record this. The trunk of the tree was like many small trunks woven together. The tree shook its flowers for a moment they all pointed up to the sky and and then in a split second all the flowers were blown off the tree and slowly billowed down to the ground around it. Leaving bright green foliage behind. The floral tree was more of a bright green bush adorned with a handful of small fluffy white whiffs at the top. I got this very powerful feeling that the tree could give me anytning I asked for. So I gave it a try. \
I asked. Tree would you grant me 100 dollar bills? And the tree glowed again for a moment, shook and shot out 100 dollar bills from the top of it. I grabbed them as they floated down before they even hit the ground. We decided to leave a bill with the tree as thanks. The tree spoke to me in my mind. It asked to be planted better. Apparently I was expecting a child and for some reason keeping my knowledge of the tree a secret from whom I was living with. The tree told me it needed to have a shallow but 17in wide clay dish filled with sandy soil to flourish properly. I was at my bed hiding small rolls of clay under it. Keeping watch that no one could see what I was doing from the other room. I didn’t know why I needed to hide my arts and crafts. No one surely would guess what it was for.
My room had no walls and was directly next to the tree With a doorway opposite it leading to the interior of my house of the kitchen. I began rolling each ball of clay to make it workable and I would slowly piece them together into the base of the planter. Then the tree became able to project itself into the world as a person and it was talking to me about my baby as if it were her baby. Everyone in my house needed to pass a background check for me to keep my baby. There were three people who needed to pass it and one was my FIL and he knew he had a bad record so we were worried. But when we got the results everyone failed. Then it turned into an always sunny kinda vibe where everyone listed what horrible crime they had commited to get a bad record. I began to fear the tree and the person it had turned itself into since it seemed like it wanted to steal my child….
Then I woke up….