Jake came and picked me up in his car with my suitcase ready. We arrived at the airport that lead directly to a small waiting room. It was bright white and tiled. I saw that we were about to go on a cruise and I knew that I couldn't leave for a vacation so suddenly but there was no choice. I needed to tell Jake that I was going on a cruise and I somehow needed to get my shifts at work covered, I was stressing! I pulled out my phone and called Jake but he didn't answer. I knew he was in the middle of class right now so he wouldn't be able to pick up. I texted him that I was going out of the country for the weekend.
I was shuttled onto a small boat craft that was more like a roller coaster. I buckled myself into my seat and the boat started along a track that was just above the waters surface. We moved slowly along and passed an idle ship on another track. People began saying they saw a monster on the sister ship, but as I neared view of the seat I saw that it was an abandoned black lab huddled on the seat shivering. I yelled at our conductor to stop so we could get the puppy but he said that he would tell his boss as soon as we reached our terminal and send someone to get the dog. The dog looked like he had a cut on his head and I began to cry the rest of the ride. We reached our terminal and I couldn't help but notice there was no one there and there seemed to be no one even outside...
Suddenly I noticed ships flying around in the sky above me. I grabbed my phone and tried to call 911 but it was stuck on the normal QWERTY keyboard mode and my fingers couldn't press the proper buttons. I kept typing 961, 661, 991, 9e1 over and over wrong. Then I saw a button for panic mode and I clicked that on my phone which then started an calmly voiced instructional video about how to react in a dangerous situation. I managed to come up with the idea to go to the phone keyboard where it only displayed numbers so I could type without pressing other keys. I managed finally to dial 911 but the operator could not hear me. The call wasn't going through correctly because we were in the middle of no where. Then the spaceships started swarming the terminal we were on and circling around us.
Then I woke up!