I've been toying with the idea of making a healing journal. I want to speak on growth and healing as an adult and the struggles we face in our real lives. I want to promote healthy thinking and sharing ways to handle situations and healing. I want to talk openly about how difficult it can be and to show people there is no shame in having to heal from other peoples actions. You wouldn't feel ashamed if you broke you arm in a car accident, so it should be no different for having to heal from abuse.
I want to make sure it is something that will actually do good. I want it to be a simple read so it's something most people can use. I think a lot of us either struggle with shame or lack of guidance, we're just out here on our own trying our best to figure life out. Only now realizing the impact our abuse has really had on our development. Healing is certainly not a straight forward thing, nor is it something that can be solved by follow these 5 easy steps, I am not attempting to do anything like that. It would just be nice to know you're not alone in this, and take the steps you need to figure out what works for you.
I am certainly no therapist but I've done my years learning and coping. Figuring out what does work and what doesn't, talking with my therapist about how my abuse has changed my brain chemistry. So I'd like to do my part and give back what I can, and help keep up the good work for everyone in their healing journey. I can't help but imagine that speaking on positive self talk and paths to better ways of living that I would benefit from it as well.
If there are any randos out there that stumble across my little blog out there, I would love to know you're thoughts. What two cents do you have to throw in? What things work well for you? What things do you still struggle with?